Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Update as of February my Dad Tommy Skipper who is a Chaplain and works with me in the Chaplain Ministry, returned to Honduras with my Wife and I.

My Dad had experienced a serious Medical Issue and by the grace of God was cured by a Miracle.

We have been dealing with the issue of the introduction of a vehicle into the country and have completed this successfully.  
vehicle is a 4x4 vehicle that is a Crew Cab.  This enables all of our Team to travel together comfortably.

In the bed of this pickup were numerous items donated in Oregon.
Clothing for Children and in addition some bullet proof vest for donation to the Police who we work with on a regular basis.

We have given some of these vest to some Police Commanders that are real supportive of the Chaplain Ministry.

This last weekend we gave away two bags of Children s clothing to a Lenca Indian Pastor who told me days prior he was visiting a poor Lenca Indian family that that had children in need of clothing and that this was indeed an answer to prayer.

This area where we go to minister to the Lenca Indians is about 3 hours drive from the Lake.
Our goal is to look into obtaining a property where we can operate out of and have other Pastors meet to have times of Prayer and to serve as an outpost for this Chaplain Ministry.
This would enable us to spend some days to set up and provide Christian literature and clothing for donation to extremely poor people in this Lenca Indian Region.

Please pray with us to make available such a location for this Ministry.

Chaplain Ministry

This Chaplain Ministry was started in 2013 with the purpose to reach people and share the Gospel.
It is a very unique Ministry in that we are independent and can move among the people of different Doctrines and share how Jesus is the only way to reach our Heavenly Father.

A simple plan of Salvation is given and spiritual support through prayer.  The Power of Prayer is real effective and has shown results.

This Ministry is registered and is Authorized by Law as a Chaplain Ministry in Honduras.

Please pray for our Safety in Honduras.